As a leading advisory firm, we combine advanced thinking and best practices with strong industry knowledge across our engagements. Where we differ is more significant. The power of our advisory model is rooted in the twin dimensions of data driven empirical analysis and creative future-facing solutions development. We apply rigorous tried and tested methods to help make sense of complex problems but breathe life into our solutions by generating new-to-world strategies in every context. The synthesis of these elements allows us to drive faster implementation and provide longer lasting value for our clients.
Our advisory teams are drawn from a wide network of associates and consultants who have deep expertise in their individual fields. Our associates range from seasoned academics and thought leaders in functional areas to industry veterans with decades of focused experience. On every engagement, we build the right team for the job at hand.
On an engagement level, we utilise our own proprietary project management system named Agrippa™, developed from the best aspects of waterfall, agile and social methods of PM. This allows our engagement teams to deliver faster and stronger impacts as we mesh with client organisations more seamlessly.